*You MUST have a peddlers permit if going door to door. PEDDLER PERMITS are issued through the Town Clerks office. An application must be filled out, and background checks will be performed for each person. A copy of each person drivers license is also needed. Once approved, the clerks office will issue the permits. The cost is $100/per person/per day. This process could take up to 6 business days. Please contact our office for more information. TOWN CLERK MICHELLE FINLEY Phone: 315-986-8100 Option 1 Cell: 585-355-0256 (emergencies ONLY please) Email: townclerk@farmingtonny.org Deputy Town Clerks Tina Murphy-Deputy Our hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 8am-4:00pm Wednesday 8:00 am to 6:00 p.m. Beginning 01/03/2023 *For Marriage Applications, no appointment is needed. Just please arrive no later than 1-hour prior to the clerks office closing. LICENSES AND REQUIREMENTS DOG LICENSES (Must be renewed annually)
*Applications for licensing a NEW dog can be found at the link below. OR just bring proof of rabies and if the dog has been spade or neutered to the Town Clerks Office. **Did you know that updated rabies can be faxed to us directly from your vet? When you get this updated, ask them to fax it to us at 315-986-4377. You can also email us a copy at townclerk@farmingtonny.org. We will then update our records, and all you have to worry about is the license renewal when it comes time. ***Please note that vets do NOT automatically let us know when you have a updated rabies. You will need to ask them to send the info. ***Please also let us know if there are any updates or changes to your contact information, or with the status of your pet. Pricing:
*****PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU ARE OVER 65 TO RECIEVE YOUR SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT ON DOGS. Ontario County Humane Society, 585-396-4590, handles stray dogs, dog bites, and inhumane animal treatment reports.
Dog Complaints and Nuisance problems with neighbor's dogs, which cannot be settled between the neighbors, are handled through the Town Court. Complete a deposition (available at the Building Department, Town Clerks office and under forms on website), have it notarized and file with the Town Court. *Please note that dog complaints are NOT annonomous. *Dog bites must be reported with the Humane Society! 2025 FREE Rabies Vaccination Clinic Dates *Program offered through Ontario County Public Health from 9am to 12pm, the following Saturdays: February 15th, April 12th, May 24th, July 12th, September 20th, and November 1st, 2025. Located at: Ontario County Publics Works Building 2962 County Road 48 Canandaigua, NY Clinics are free but donations are appreciated Pets must be on a leash or in a carrier, please bring past Rabies Vac. Certificates, if any. Ontario County Public Health 585-396-4343
NEW Dog ONLY Registration Form
*Please use this form for registering NEW DOGS ONLY. For renewing dogs, please contact our office at (315) 986-8100 Option #1. Licenses are good for 1 year (from initial registration month). MARRIAGE LICENSE Are you looking to obtain a marriage license in the State of New York? You can apply for a marriage license at any muncipal clerk's office in New York State. The following information shall be provided to the municipal clerk at the time of appliation:
The license must be applied for a minimum of 24 hours prior to the ceremony and is valid for 60 days. The license application process takes up to 30 minutes. Applicants are requested to arrive at the Town Clerk's office before 3pm (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) and before 5pm on Wednesdays to obtain a Marriage License. The fee for obtaining a Marriage License is $40.00. For more information visit: http://www.health.state.ny.us/vital_records/married.htm
CONSERVATION LICENSES For more information visit: http://www.dec.ny.gov
The 2025 Town and County Taxes will be sent out in January. WE DO NOT ACCEPT SCHOOL TAXES at the Town. Please refer to your school tax bill to see where to pay. Please Contact the Ontario County Treasurer with any questions (585) 396-4432. *If you are seeing any UNPAID items on your tax bill, this is because they were unpaid and passed on to your taxes. *Please contact the Town Clerks office at 315-986-8100 option #1 for any tax changes or issues. |